Madrid, Espana
I noticed the first stencil yesterday. Given the visual depiction of a woman and a priest along with the verbal content, the church wall placement couldn't be more appropriate. This morning, I passed others plastered to the side of a park wall. A guerrilla conversation about a woman's right to choose in Spain.
Feminism in various formats has been a fairly constant topic for me. Lately, in addition to the abortion support stencils, there was an interesting article in British Vogue about Hillary Clinton and her anticipated presidential campaign. Jennifer Aniston's anti-botox stance has generated a big brouhaha in the tabloids. A fascinating Facebook thread has started on a (male) friend's page about men giving compliments to women. Not to mention the curiosity and questions that a solo women invokes among both genders.
Spain legalized limited emergency abortion in 1985 and finally legalized it fully in 2010. However, the current conservative political majority passed a bill earlier this year to revoke the 2010 law. Protests broke out and the bill is sitting in Parliament awaiting approval (or rejection). Timeline differences aside, it is eerily similar to the recent trajectory of abortion rights in the United States.
Reading about Hillary Clinton from a British perspective was interesting as well. England produced a female prime minister (from the Conservative party, oddly enough) eons before Clinton became a household name. Naturally the angle was a bit fluffy....what else would one expect from a high fashion magazine? High heel shoe addiction aside, the writer was quite serious in her articulation of Clinton's challenges as a woman in American politics. Specifically, it was fascinating to see Clinton praised for the political partnership she has with her husband; it is quite the contrast to the sharp criticism she receives from the American press.
In the Facebook feed, a Huffington Post article about Jennifer Aniston's response to Botox leap off the page. The author pointed out the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" treatment of women who use Botox. Society demands that women remain thin, youthful and attractive--without the assistance of diets, chemicals or artificial embellishments. When they invoke those magical tools, they are chastised for being shallow. Perhaps it is a show of the stronger machismo in Spain, but women are not criticized for using potions and products. More like encouraged to do so. It is more openly vain, but at least it is honest.
The other nugget from the daily Facebook digest was a thread unwittingly started by a friend, asking when it was appropriate for a man to give a woman a compliment and when it was simply creepy. The response was quite intense and opinions spanned the gamut. And it certainly deserved a better forum than a post, as the content was quite good.
Personally, the subject resonates with the reactions and questions I get about being a 30-year-old, unmarried solo traveler. Questions a man with similar credentials would never be asked. Most women I have met cheer me on, even if there is not a clear understanding. An unspoken female camaraderie. Those who have commented on my age and marital status were American women. I have received mixed reactions from men, which were influenced by nationality and profession. South American men saw me as a curiosity, as there are not as many solo female travelers. It is quite common in Europe, so there have been fewer questions. Predictably, university students, artists and professionals see my trip as less of an oddity.
Like all societal structures, the constant underlying theme is power. This is not a new revelation; it is rather tired academic conversation. Real change moves in a non-linear and very slow pace. And every time there seems to be forward momentum, the underlying tension flares. Just ask the residents of Ferguson, Missouri, about racial power structures in the United States.
For women, the power limitation is sometimes subtle. In the case of random compliments, it is not about whether the man is attractive or not; it is about a man's perceived right to say something about a woman's physical appearance. The compliment may be given in sincerity, but it is given whether the woman wants it or not. Most people don't see (or choose not to see) the structure and its constraints until we are the ones not in power.
In other instances, gender structures are more overt. This is certainly the case with reproductive rights, salary gaps and public judgment on personal matters. By and large, Hillary Clinton has been lambasted for everything from her fashion sense (horrible in the 90s) to her expression of the First Lady's role (an agenda of her own) to the way she addressed Bill's infidelities (privately and gracefully if not professionally). A male politician would have never been criticized in the same way. Reproductive rights are a uniquely bright spotlight on the gender power structure--insurance coverage for birth control can be denied by "religious" corporations and women are criticized for terminating unwanted pregnancies. Yet laws on child support are comparatively weak and women who seek government assistance for unplanned children are seen as abusing the system.
Yet we cannot solely blame men. Many women--including this one at times--are often complicit with the power structure. Many of the loudest voices criticizing Hillary Clinton, Jennifer Aniston and others chipping away at gender expectations are women themselves. Those who aren't clamoring in the press are engaging in more insidious ways, like slut shaming or deriding feminism as something only for "man-haters." To my female readers, how many women have you judged (even in your head) for wearing something you felt was too revealing or trashy?
The challenge of changing power structures is intense. After all, nobody wants to be less powerful. It goes against our survival instinct, as less power implies less access to resources. Yet change is possible, even if the process is imperfect and non-linear. I am not naive; I acknowledge there is no magic, overnight equalizer. I simply choose to believe the only way forward is through constant dialog and sustained action, small and big. Like graffiti in the streets and Facebook posts. Articles that focus on underlying issues rather than simply fanning flames. And bigger ideals, like the possibility of a female American president. Two steps forward and as few steps backward as possible.
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